A lot of women suffer from the problem of underdeveloped breasts

A lot of women suffer from the problem of underdeveloped breasts. Diet may not be always responsible for improper growth of body. Sometimes body is not able to utilize a good healthy diet. Usually breasts begin to form in unborn baby and this process completes till a female reaches the maturity stage. Due to genetic problems, females may not be able to have fully grown breasts. Moreover, breast development is not complete until females give birth. Both small sized and large sized breasts look unusual and therefore most of the females try different treatments to get the desired shape. Large breasts hang and due to more sweating and friction below this part, skin becomes sore and prone to infections and rashes. Immature breast shape gives look of flat chest which is very embarrassing for females. This may cause depression or inferiority complex among them. Breast development is an important characteristic of reproductive system and any problem in this system affects the growth of bosoms.
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Breast do not contain any muscles, in fact this part is a network of small ducts connected to large ducts which are connected to sac of mammary cells which produce milk. These are surrounded with fat and connective tissues which maintain the shape of busts. Low or high level of estrogen and progesterone during menstruation plays an important role in growth of bust shape. During periods, the rise or fall in level of estrogen affects the progesterone level also which makes mammary ducts. If a woman gets pregnant, this progesterone level keeps on increasing which helps in increasing breast size and developing ducts. Period continues if the woman is not pregnant. After menstrual cycle, mammary cells die and bosoms return to their normal size. Also, lack of estrogen causes lack of elasticity in connective tissues which results in loose breasts. Excessive diet, weight loss, deficiencies, emotional disturbance are also responsible for poor growth of busts.

Big B-36 capsules are herbal breast enhancement supplements which consist of blend of natural herbs. These capsules maintain proper level of estrogen which is the main factor behind the growth of bosoms. These capsules relatively increase progesterone levels which help in growing ducts and mammary cells. These capsules do not contain any artificial ingredients and therefore help to increase bust size naturally. Herbal formula of these capsules keeps proper balance between estrogen and progesterone during menstrual cycle to avoid fluctuations in growth of busts. This helps even in the case of late starting of periods. These capsules prevent the under development of ducts and mammary cells which form architecture of breasts. These herbal breast enhancement supplements also increase elasticity in connective tissues to maintain the size of busts. These capsules also help those women going through menopause during which breasts loose shape due to decrease in estrogen level.
